
Appetizers, casseroles, and delicious desserts all your guests will enjoy.

Party Themes

Looking to invite your friends over for a night of fun, these themed parties will entertain them till the party is over.


Creative ideas for instilling your children with memories to cherish for a lifetime.


Looking to redecorate or need some inspiration. These are my favorite looks.

Gifts from the heart

Nothing is more personal than when you make a gift and share it with your loved ones. Here are some creative ideas.

Look for love

My thoughts on love and why you should always look for it. You never know when or where it will show up.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Resolution New You #12 - Make it personal

These days many of us communicate via email, Facebook, or my favorite,  texts. However, you can't hear a laugh, see a smile, or feel a hug with electronic communication. The smiley face icon, the multiple exclamation points, and the electronic greeting card just doesn't compare to the real deal.  To be a better you in the new year, make your communication more personal - send a card, pick up the telephone, schedule a lunch. It will make a difference to the person receiving it and you will feel good about what you did. Also, get in the habit of sending out greeting cards again.  To the right is a "special occasion book."  You can fill the book at the beginning of every year with cards for the people you want to remember - available at Hallmark Stores.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Resolution New You #11 - Know your cholesterol

Do you know your cholesterol levels?  Do you know how cholesterol affects your health?  Take this brief 10-question quiz provided by the American Red Cross and see how much you know. I learned I didn't know much.  Products that come from animals, including fatty red meat, egg yolks, butter, cheese, and whole milk, are foods that are high in cholesterol. There are also foods that are high in saturated fats and trans fat, which can also raise your level of LDL (bad) cholesterol such as muffins, and other processed baked goods. 
In a way, they have a similar effect on your body as eating things that are high in cholesterol.  What happens to our arteries is simulated in the image to the left which is known as atherosclerosis. When too much LDL (bad) cholesterol circulates in the blood, it can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain. Together with other substances, it can form plaque, a thick, hard deposit that can narrow the arteries and
 make them less flexible.  If a clot forms and blocks a narrowed artery, a heart attack or stroke can result. 
If the above picture doesn't make you want to give up the meat, baked goods and dairy in your diet, then watch this hysterical video to see how the eggs feel about you eating them.  

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Resolution New You #10 - Plan a vacation

I realize it is the beginning of the year and we should be focusing on work - not vacation, however, now is the time to schedule your trip and take advantage of the great deals.  Try somewhere new this year or begin a tradition and take the family to an island in the spring.

The Island of Maui is gorgeous.  From February to May, you can see the whales migrate from your very own condo.  We have stayed at the KAHANA OUTRIGGER and you can't beat the price, the comfort, or the location, especially if you travel with 3 couples. (This vacation rental by owner is a relative's so you can trust it is reputable.)

Or try a dude ranch.  In Texas, they have over 95 dude ranches great for kids of all ages.  
For skiiers, Lake Tahoe is ideal. The Marriot's Timber Lodge at Heavenly is near the lake, the casinos, horseback riding stables, the longest zip line in the states, and the gondola is right out the front door.  You can ski to your room.
In honor of this years historical events, plan a trip to Washington DC.  
Taking the time to treat yourself to some fun and relaxation will make you a better you.  So plan now, then work hard so you can go relax.  
In the meantime, where are some of your favorite places to go?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Resolution New You #9 - Prepare your life for emergency

It is inevitable that a natural disaster will occur and disrupt the conveniences of our daily lives. We don't know exactly when or where, but in order to protect yourself in 2009 - get your emergency plan together.  Make sure your emergency supplies are plentiful for at least 48 hours.
Prepare an evacuation plan and set a meeting location with other family members.  In California, we are rocked with frequent earthquakes every day. The world picture above references the latest earthquakes in the world as of January 13, 2009. You can follow the latest earthquake news at

Resolution New You #8 - Meet the neighbors

The expression, it's not what you know, it's who you know, proves true with regards to your neighbors. How many times have you left the house wondering, did I shut my garage door? Did I turn off the curling iron? Did I feed the animals?  Being friends with your neighbors, or being friendly with your neighbors, relieves the worry of these situations for you can call them and prevent yourself a drive back home.  
When we are not neighborly, it can result in greater problems in a community, then city, state and eventually neighboring countries start sending rockets to each other. We can't control what is going on in other countries, much less our own, however we can control how we treat our neighbors now.
So in 2009, plan a neighborhood potluck block party and get to know your neighbors. Make it an international theme so everyone can bring food from their culture. It is a great way to experience the world without having to travel - right in your own front yard.