In 2009, start a tradition. It can be as simple as watching the Superbowl game every year in your favorite teams jersey to a needlepointed tablecloth. For the past 20 years, every Christmas eve, my mom pulls out THE tablecloth (pictured left - with my sister and brother in law) filled with signatures, sayings and illustrations tattooed onto the fabric with a needle and thread. As we walk around the table and look for a place to sign, we reminisce about the past, laugh at the quotes and bad drawings, as we also remember those people whose names will never appear again.
Traditions are easy to do for big events such as Easter - make an easter bunny cake, color the eggs and then scavenge for them.

On New Years - go to the Rose Parade, On the 4th of July - Drink. Just kidding, play an annual volleyball game, then drink.
But don't wait for the big days to do something eventful and meaningful in your life. Traditions give us something to look forward to: Friday night family movie night with popcorn and m&m's, bunko night with the girls once a month, poker night with the boys, or baking a new recipe after a big soccer game (no matter who wins or loses. They just can't eat it, if they lose - hee hee)
Whatever is important to you and you would like your children to remember about you, about your family, about where they came from, pass down or create a tradition. It will establish a solid foundation for your children and allow them to flourish and enhance who they will become in the future.
The picture to the right was given to my sister in law at her baby shower. All the guests signed it at the party and every year it is brought out for my niece's birthday.